Love, Life and Loss
For far too long Baby loss has been a taboo subject that most people feel uncomfortable to talk about, but not us! Please join us while we talk about our Love, Life and Loss. Help break the silence around baby loss at all stages. Listen while we share our stories and encourage others to do the same. We try to look at all aspects of baby loss, covering as many topics as we can. There is laughter and tears throughout as we celebrate our children and tell the world about them. The hope is we can all learn and heal together!

Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Listen as my dear friend Lily tells her story. She talks honestly and openly about her journey as a mother. Listen as Lily talks about the complications in both of her pregnancies and the miscarriage she experienced in between them. Lily opens up her heart and gives us her honest truth.
In this first part Lily talks about having an operation to remove her ovary during her first pregnancy and the miscarriage she experienced later on in life. She talks about her thought process through this and the challenges to her and her family. But through everything Lily remains positive and continues to always do her best.

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Part 2 of 2. Safia is a mum of two and an experienced equity and inclusion practitioner and facilitator. Her work is guided by principles of collaboration, compassion and curiosity. With a history of positive agitation and disruption. Safia is committed to working alongside people with lived experience of oppression and disadvantage, to challenge the structures that maintain difference and Otherness. When Safia was only 15 weeks pregnant, she lost her baby after being told her baby had *Edwards’ Syndrome. In this episode listen as Safia tells us about her experience. Walking us through her journey and what that was like for her at the time. Safia highlights how important it is to use a trauma informed approach and what a difference that can make when supporting someone who has experienced baby loss. * Babies with Edwards’ syndrome have more of chromosome 18 in some or all of the cells in their body. It is also known as Trisomy 18. In the UK, around 3 in every 10,000 births are affected by Edwards’ syndrome. Most cases result from a random change in the egg or sperm in healthy parents. This change is not caused by anything the parents did before or during pregnancy.

Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Safia is a mum of two and an experienced equity and inclusion practitioner and facilitator. Her work is guided by principles of collaboration, compassion and curiosity. With a history of positive agitation and disruption. Safia is committed to working alongside people with lived experience of oppression and disadvantage, to challenge the structures that maintain difference and Otherness.
When Safia was only 15 weeks pregnant, she lost her baby after being told her baby had *Edwards’ Syndrome.
In this episode listen as Safia tells us about her experience. Walking us through her journey and what that was like for her at the time.
Safia highlights how important it is to use a trauma informed approach and what a difference that can make when supporting someone who has experienced baby loss.
* Babies with Edwards’ syndrome have more of chromosome 18 in some or all of the cells in their body. It is also known as Trisomy 18.
In the UK, around 3 in every 10,000 births are affected by Edwards’ syndrome.
Most cases result from a random change in the egg or sperm in healthy parents. This change is not caused by anything the parents did before or during pregnancy.

Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Part 2. Dawn Morton-Young a mum of four as well as a successful business woman. She started as Louisa’s co-host but unfortunately Dawn will only feature in the first few episodes as she has now started her own podcast
In these episodes Dawn tells her story from the start. She has four beautiful girls and she walks us through her birth stories.
Listen as Dawn goes into detail about her traumatic birth with her last daughter, giving birth to her on the landing. We hear about the lasting effects this had on her and her daughter. Dawn opens up and talks honestly about her daughter’s learning disabilities and the journey they have been on to get the right diagnosis and support. She also talks about the miscarriage of her son.
We touch on so many aspects and highlight common themes that women of colour experience and how to overcome some of these experiences. Dawn is truly inspirational in the work she has done and continues to do.

Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Dawn Morton-Young a mum of four as well as a successful business woman. She started as Louisa’s co-host but unfortunately Dawn will only feature in the first few episodes as she has now started her own podcast
In this episode Dawn tells her story from the start. She has four beautiful girls and she walks us through her birth stories.
Listen as Dawn goes into detail about her traumatic birth with her last daughter, giving birth to her on the landing. We hear about the lasting effects this had on her and her daughter. Dawn opens up and talks honestly about her daughter’s learning disabilities and the journey they have been on to get the right diagnosis and support. She also talks about the miscarriage of her son.
We touch on so many aspects and highlight common themes that women of colour experience and how to overcome some of these experiences. Dawn is truly inspirational in the work she has done and continues to do.

Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Welcome to the podcast Love, Life and Loss. This is part 2 of the first episode! Listen while Louisa tells her story to Dawn, starting from her first pregnancy, right up to her seventh pregnancy. Louisa talks about having three consecutive miscarriages and how she coped or didn’t with that. We learn about the impact losing her son had on Louisa and her mental health. Louisa also talks about her journey with her rainbow baby and what it was like to fall pregnant after losing a baby! There are highs and lows throughout this journey of Love, Life and Loss. Please join us and help break the taboo by talking about our babies!

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Welcome to the podcast Love, Life and Loss. This is the first episode! Listen while Louisa tells her story to Dawn, starting from her first pregnancy, right up to her seventh pregnancy. Louisa talks about having three consecutive miscarriages and how she coped or didn’t with that. We learn about the impact losing her son had on Louisa and her mental health. Louisa also talks about her journey with her rainbow baby and what it was like to fall pregnant after losing a baby! There are highs and lows throughout this journey of Love, Life and Loss. Please join us and help break the taboo by talking about our babies!

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Listen as Louisa introduces the podcast Love, Life and Loss. She gives a brief explanation as to why she has started the podcast. In memory of her son Zion, Louisa along with her co-host Dawn have created a safe and comfortable place for people to tell their story and others to listen, learn and heal together.